2010-01-01-11h26m40.P1000835 Aswan - Nubian Musem
A model of the Nile with the temples on the banks
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 233
2010-01-01-11h27m14.P1000836 Aswan - Nubian Musem
A model of the Nile with the temples on the banks
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 222
2010-01-01-11h27m20.P1010609 Aswan - Nubian Musem
A model of the Nile with the temples on the banks
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 255
2010-01-01-11h53m03.P1000837 Aswan - Nubian Musem
A view of the town from the Nubian museum
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 171
2010-01-01-11h53m30.P1000838 Aswan - Nubian Musem
An unused temple at the Nubian museum
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 220
2010-01-01-11h55m00.P1000839 Aswan - Nubian Musem
The Cataract Hotel that was used in the making of the Agatha Christie movie of Death on the Nile
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 176
2010-01-01-11h55m50.P1010611 Aswan - Nubian Musem
A view of the Cataract hotel from the Nubian museum
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 196
2010-01-01-11h56m15.P1010613 Aswan - Nubian Musem
A view of the Cataract hotel from the Nubian museum
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 223
2010-01-01-11h57m37.P1000840 Aswan - Nubian Musem
A view of a typical desert town
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 205
2010-01-01-11h58m17.P1010615 Aswan - Nubian Musem
A view of the unused temple
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 213