2010-01-01-00h08m47.P1010579 Aswan
Whirling dervish at the New Year's Eve Party
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 343
2010-01-01-00h09m48.P1010581 Aswan
Whirling dervish doing a balloon impression
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 319
Whirling dervish
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 297
2010-01-01-00h14m16.P1010585 Aswan
A party in Egypt is not a party without a belly dancer
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 302
2010-01-01-00h14m37.P1010586 Aswan
The belly wobble doing a shuffle no skill involved here all you require is a belly that wobbles when you move
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 339
2010-01-01-00h20m17.P1010587 Aswan
Tiffany and another passenger moving with the belly wobbler
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 316
2010-01-01-00h20m50.P1010588 Aswan
Baby Mohamed in the background doing is impression of a dance
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 312
2010-01-01-00h23m41.P1010589 Aswan
I always wanted to do one of those DIY photographs, not quite what I hoped for
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 323
2010-01-01-00h23m59.P1010590 Aswan
The Egyptions bake a cake for every occasion you can see the New Year's cake in the background
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 311
2010-01-01-00h38m05.P1010591 Aswan
The cleaning staff are very good at using anything they can find to make characters
Date: 2010-01-01
Owner: Donald Abbot
Views: 324